I need a Pet Avenger comic run immediately. IMMEDIATELY.
Weekly Pull Highlights: August 30, 2019
From hurricane preparations, to the D23 Conference (She-Hulk!!), to the Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Trailer, we cover all the big talking points from the week. Comics this week were heavy on the Marvel-side with lots of middle issue melodrama, and another DC title all about villains without actually telling us who's the Year of the Villain is all about!
No flerken' technical difficulties will stop Cover B!
Weekly Pull Highlights: August 23, 2019
Technical difficulties can't keep us down! Join us as we discuss the pending divorce between Marvel and Sony, and watch helplessly as poor Peter Tingles cries in between his two unwavering parent-folks! We also talk comics, including a couple titles about cats, a couple titles about serial killers, and more updates on the Powers of X series (didn't we just read one of those?)! We are all the World's Best Detectives.
Weekly Pull Highlights: August 16, 2019
Some tropes have out-stayed their welcome.
Weekly Pull Highlights: August 7, 2019
Boy, is Tee mad about the brain archetype in media! After a significant rant (a mini key issue?), we get to some juicy X-Men spoilers in our review of House of X #2. We round out with a handful of new indie titles, including the spectacular Coffin Bound #1. (SPOILER ALERT! House of X Spoilers from 16:54-28:41) It's sad Paper Girls is over, but we're happy it happened.
Weekly Pull Highlights: July 31, 2019
We kick off this episode with a quick review of some of the deleted scenes from Avengers: Endgame, but swoop right into a slew of DC Annuals that came out this week! It was an awesome week for comics, from big Batman title releases, to brand new books from Cullen Bunn, to the end of an era with the last issue of Paper Girls. Oh, and we maybe share a little more about ourselves than you wanted to know - no regrets. |
Cover B PodcastChris & Tee host this weekly comic-focused show, providing insight on new comics, entertainment news and more. Archives
July 2023